Part 79: 10/31/09 - 11/02/09

Three days to go, huh? Well, let's get to it then.

Today is incredibly brief, it seems. We'll be spending it with Yuko naturally.

Which is a necessary evil that we waste the day on it being a minor moment. Gotta do this to have the time to get it maxed relatively soon.
I did double, and even triple, check to make sure there wasn't anything else for us to do today and nope. We've only got three outstanding quests for Elizabeth and none of them are doable right now.

We went to Tartarus not too long ago. We have no reason to bother going back anytime soon.

Newscaster: Particularly at the Moonlight Bridge in Minato-ku...
It's a weird ol' day when we technically spend more time in the dorm at night than doing anything else throughout the day.

Especially when we're closing out the day by taking Koromaru out for a walk.

> You spoke with Ken for a while.

Two days left of whatever we can find the time for...

Since it's a Sunday, we'll check Tanaka's show and a second Berserker's Seal is nice especially for sub-40k. Gonna buy that without any hesitation.
Nothing else in the dorm, so...

...we'll step on out to find that for the first time in months we can talk to some folks hanging out in town!

...There's only the two of 'em though, so I guess we need to find something else to do.

Akinari's perfect for that, since today IS Sunday and all.

Well, Makoto doesn't read normal ol' books but he does seem to really like textbooks (at least with the way we did things) so...

> Akinari smiled weakly...
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You decided to go back to the dorm.

Oh wait, I nearly forgot!

Eating more than Yellow Owl isn't really that big of a deal, honestly.
Newscaster: ...And now, the news. Footage shows that the shopping mall is filled with...

Once again, we'll be taking Koromaru out for a walk.

> You spoke with Yukari for a while.

So, this is it then. Our last day before the final battle...

I'm pretty sure we're as prepared now as we could realistically be.

Since today's Monday, we can't spend today with Yuko. So, I guess Yukari it is; we've been spending a bit more time with her lately, so it makes sense.

But, like with Yuko before, it's just a brief relaxing moment required to benefit us in the future. A bit too late for that, though...

It's really not much of a scene in the end, but I'm still sorta glad its here.

Newscaster: For even more luck, try removing a bookmark from a book you're still reading!
It makes sense that the news is still continuing along being weird and disconnected overall from what's happening. There's no way for anyone involved there to really know, so even if it feels weird its still completely internally consistent.
So, the Totally Definitely Final Battle is all that's left huh?

Yukari's just as lopsided as ever and picked up Magarula for her capstone spell in the interim. Since there's only one Shadow left, how useful that is is pretty debatable of course. Nearly 50 magic is pretty ludicrous for someone who's stats we cannot manipulate outside of equipment bonuses.

Junpei is, well, Junpei. Blade of Fury is nice in that it finally gave him a MT attack. Hurray! It's not exactly a great skill though, with a base power of 100, but it makes up for it by hitting 1-3 times. Plus he has the Laevateinn which is just really nice in general. Marakukaja might come in handy, too, I guess.

Akihiko's a mixed-bag like always. He finally got rid of Sonic Punch as of level 50 and learned Fist Master in its place. [Weapon] Master skills are weird, since they double the damage dealt with that weapon. They naturally therefore only apply to basic attacks and are of questionable-at-best use most of the time. Still, he has debuffs, and is able to throw out Boosted+Amped spells even if they're not necessarily as effective as what most other folks with that ability can do.

Mitsuru's only 1 point of Magic behind Yukari but is functionally better in every way outside of healing. She has her elemental boost by default, and the amp via accessory usage. Combine that with Mind Charge and her damage just straight up wins, no questions asked, outside of any resistance shenanigans. Of course this IS up to the whims of the AI which doesn't always consider Mind Charge to be worth it despite it being straight up better than just casting the spell twice. The AI isn't exactly perfect despite it being leaps and bounds better than everyone else seems to give it credit for.
Honestly, I am genuinely disappointed that she decided to drop Marin Karin when she learned Mind Charge. That really doesn't make sense to me, and having a full eight skills would've been fine.

Aigis is a pretty decent tank and can cast Masukukaja and other ST buffs which is alright. We have access to Auto-Mataru and Auto-Maraku now, so her lacking them isn't a big deal in practice and Junpei has Marakukaja anyway.

Koromaru remains Koromaru.
...Okay, fine. His offensive stats are straight up the worst. He has Masukukaja so he overlaps with Aigis a bit (though that's still better than Vanilla where he had the Fear ailment spells instead of Suku buffs), Agidyne is nice since he's still the only non-Makoto character who gets to Boost and Amp a Dyne, even if his Magic hampers its effectiveness. Mudo and Mamudo are Very Bad at this point, to say nothing of how they won't help at all for a boss fight anyway. Counterstrike is pretty nice, but the Berserker's Seal gives someone High Counter which is just plain better.

Ken is still really, really bad. He's gotten sorta better, but only in terms of pure numbers since you last saw him. Hamaon is not gonna be useful at all with a boss fight, unless we suddenly have a return to some randoms beforehand. Recarm is sorta nice I guess, but if we really need it then I imagine something will have gone wrong. Base Zionga with no buffs, unless we use his accessory slot for it, with Magic that is only 1 point higher than Akihiko's is... a thing, I guess?
So, yeah, for the first time in a few months we can use whoever the hell we want here! Hurray!